About us

What is Project 3?

Project 3 is a movement encouraging a more intentional way of living.

Our Mission

To become more productive members of our society through influencing our generation by being eye-openers and ultimately lifting our and others awareness to help push the plane of human consciousness forward.

Philosophy behind Project 3

It is in the giving up of oneself that can give us the lasting and fulfilling joys of life. This can be a struggle and often times painful. But it is through this pain that life is nourished with all its meanings. This is what can be considered the secret wisdom of life. Because it is through the giving up of oneself that we learn how to become who we really are.



Meaning behind Slogan

Live * Learn * Love = Life * Death * Birth

Live, because it is through living life that we experience life’s lessons. We learn by coping with the death of bad habits or things that do not work out to our benefit. Once aware of the death of those bad habits and conscious of every experience life throws our way, we give birth to a new way of living. This is the never ending cycle of conscious change and becoming aware of our actions and their effects on our lives, goals and habits.

“To Live is to Learn, and to Learn is Loving to Live”